oil spill

language poster

“Humans walk peacefully along the shores
unaware of the dangerous oil spill they have created.”

Utilized phrases from an original poem to communicate the forces of garbage pollution through typographic posters. Several sketches were made. Plastic soda rings were used as type in final version.

the process pt. 1

Using Josué Guébo’s poem, “The Oil Spill Would Advance,” as inspiration, crafted an orignal poem that discusses the issues of pollution through narrative language.

the process pt. 2

Created several poster designs that utilize phrases from “The Oil Spill Would Kill",” as elements of form to communicate the poem’s force. These were sketches before the final poster.

the process pt. 3

Since my topic was pollution, I decided to use plastic soda rings to create type for final outcome. Photographed with my iphone and implemented with some of the sketch ideas. Final posters shown at the top of the page.


"the grid"


process book