blind eyes


Our impact on the natural environment is disastrous. Noticeable or not, our small everyday habits generate enormous footprints of long-lasting effects, pushing us to the brink of irreversible environmental catastrophe. Mountains of plastic, forever chemicals poisoning ecosystems, rising sea levels, floods, fire, and mega-storms. These are just some of the consequences of our actions, and our inaction. As a designer, I recognize the power of visual communication and the pivotal role design can play in instigating change. Blind Eyes is a series of experimentations, posters, and publications using different visual vocabularies and materials to underscore the fate of the planet, which is in everyone’s hands.

the process pt. 1

Conducted a series typographic experiments that can represent the effects of our human impact.


Goal: create chia type that represents the environment when polluted with plastic.

Process: keep one chia letter wrapped under plastic while the other grows freely.

paper vs plastic

Goal: Represent the changes that paper and plastic material might go through when dumped into water sources.

Process: Create one letterform out of recycled paper and one letterform out of recycled plastic. Scan each letter after being dunked in water to document change.


Goal: Represent climate change and rising sea levels that flood our infrastructures.

Process: Create a mold to cast a frozen letterform. Document the letterform as it melts onto a magazine page.


Goal: Convey ideas of the earth “decaying” over time, similar to how fruit does.

Process: Carve fruit into letterforms and let them sit out for a period of time. Document the process of them ripening and decaying.

the process pt. 2

Design, print, and bind a publication that documents the process of typographic experimentations.

the process pt. 3

Using what I learned from the experimentation phase, I wanted to create a final display of letters that read “blind eyes,” that strongly represents our human impact.


pardi pro V1


lollapalooza: covid cases